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There are millions of avid hunters across the United States, many of them residing here in our home state of Virginia. While hunting is an activity enjoyed by so many, it also carries its own set of rules and regulations. If you have been charged with a hunting violation, it can lead to penalties, license suspension, forfeiture of firearms, and even criminal charges where the death of another human being resulted.

Attorney E. Gordon Peters has been representing individuals and families in the areas of Lynchburg and Blackstone, Virginia for years, and he is ready to help you fight to protect your rights. If you are in the Virginia counties of Amherst, Campbell, Bedford, Nottoway, Prince Edward, or Charlotte, contact E. Gordon Peters, Jr., Attorney at Law today and schedule a consultation.

Potential Violations

The Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries regulates the state’s hunting law which can be found in Title 29.1 of the Virginia Code. The law specifies several requirements which hunters must abide by including:

  • Hunting only within permissible hours
  • Following blaze colored requirements
  • Complying with rules for hunting with dogs
  • Observing restrictions pertaining to the sale and purchase of legally harvested game species


The law also specifies numerous prohibited activities and hunting methods including:

  • Hunting without a license
  • Hunting adjacent to forest fires
  • Hunting while under the influence of intoxicants or narcotics
  • Littering
  • Exceeding the daily bag limit
  • Hunting with the use of drones
  • Hunting with an unauthorized weapon
  • Using live birds or animals to decoy or call game
  • Trapping or shooting of fur-bearing animals during the closed season


Tragically, when hunting guidelines aren’t followed, or negligence is involved, the result can be the accidental shooting of another human being.

Possible Penalties

Persons violating hunting regulations will be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor unless another penalty is specified. For example:

  • Any person who kills or attempts to kill a bear in violation of the applicable regulations is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor and may also be prohibited by the court from hunting, for a period of one to five years.
  • Killing a deer in violation of regulations will result in weapons and vehicles (to transport the carcass) being confiscated.


When another individual is killed due to a hunting violation or a hunter’s negligence, it may result in criminal charges of manslaughter. Where an individual was shot but not killed, then the charge may be assault and/or battery. Both of these charges can carry penalties of fines and jail time.

How an Attorney May Be Able to Help

While hunting is a popular sport, it carries with it severe consequences for those who do not adhere to applicable laws and safety measures. An experienced attorney can help to defend your rights. Having a seasoned legal professional on your side can give you greater confidence that your best interests will be at the forefront throughout the process. Your attorney will meet with you to learn the details of your situation, explain your legal options, answer your questions, and where necessary, represent you in litigation.


If you have been charged with a hunting violation, including those leading to a criminal charge, you need the guidance of an experienced attorney familiar with the nuances of state law. For the better part of two decades, attorney E. Gordon Peters has been providing individuals and families with skilled legal guidance and knowledgeable representation in a variety of cases. If you live in Lynchburg or Blackstone, and you need a lawyer, contact E. Gordon Peters, Jr., Attorney at Law today for a consultation.